Monday, April 11, 2011

40 Days for Life - Day 31

Last night was my night for prayer outside Planned Parenthood. It was FREEZING, however not as freezing as it has been. The wind out there feels like it is 20 mph more than just a few blocks away. Anyway, I survived! And I was blessed to be able to be there and pray with the other people there. It is such a great, spiritual feeling. I observed the strangest thing. There were two birds who arrived shortly after I started and they stayed perched on the point of the roof on the Planned Parenthood building the entire time I was there. I kept waiting for them to fly away, but they remained. I think they were praying with us! (BTW: this is not the actual picture of the birds. I thought it would be rude to leave and run to my car and take pictures. Besides, Planned Parenthood staff would assume I was harrassing and call the police!!!!!) We had several people who drove by and waved and acknowledged our presence in a good way. We had one person actually stop and look at what our signs said and then drove away. He made no comment and did not relay disgust or support. When we were finishing up and putting things away, I noticed him drive by again and look to see if we were still there. Hopefully we planted a seed in his mind.

Intention: Pray for opportunities to share with an abortion-minded woman that the newness of life she is seeking is found only in Christ.

Scripture: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new. -- 2 Corinthians 5:17

Reflection: An unexpected pregnancy is perceived by many young women as the end of their life as they know it. News of an unexpected pregnancy pulls the rug from under her well laid plans. Sadly, these women may choose abortion as a matter of self-preservation, believing that an abortion will help return life to normal and give them opportunity to start anew. They don't see abortion as killing a child, but rather as saving their own life. Of course, abortion will not bring the newness of life they are seeking, but instead will bring death to their child, lifelong regret, and unexpected -- possibly devastating -- consequences to their own life. But abortion will be the choice made if we don't meet them at the crossroad between life and death with a better way. Almost without exception, these young women are looking for love, acceptance, and to be valued. In their efforts to have those needs met, they have become promiscuous. Most, if honest, will admit the needs were only met momentarily, if at all, during their brief encounter, and afterward the needs returned unmet. The truth is, only Christ loves them unconditionally with an everlasting love. Only Christ will accept them as they are, and only Christ sees them for their true value in Him. He has a perfect plan for each woman and her child if only she will allow Christ to transform her life as she surrenders to Him. No, an unexpected pregnancy is not the end of life, but rather can be the beginning of two beautiful lives if God's plan for them is given opportunity to unfold.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, you give us a new song, a new purpose, a new direction, a new perspective. You remind us that the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but Christ came that we might have life, and have it more abundantly. Give us boldness to share this Good News with those who are at the crossroads and may they choose life for their children and enjoy newness of life in You. Because of Christ we pray, amen.

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