Monday, June 6, 2011

What Are Our Real Blessings? . . . . . . .

"Blessings" by Laura Story, is one of my new favorite songs. It really makes you think about how God blesses us. There have been so many bad things happening - we are STILL at war and young men and women are losing their lives. There have recently been numerous tornadoes in the Midwest that have taken lives and homes.  The economy is so unreliable - there are so many people out of work who have lost their homes and in some cases their families. And  it seems like every time you talk with someone or read the prayer chain,  you learn that someone you know - or don't even know - has been diagnosed with cancer or some other illness or has lost someone close. And on and on and on it goes. Is God blessing us through these things? People question why God would allow these things to happen. Why would He allow a young father to die? Why would He allow a whole family to be taken away by a tornado? Why would He allow a young child to die? You hear people questioning why God allows bad things to happen to good people, and, at least for me, it's really hard to answer. It doesn't seem fair or just. I have come to believe, by experience, that God does bless us with more good then the bad we went through.  We must believe, because God has told us it is true, that He will always work good from the bad.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.  - Romans 8:28

In an interview with Laura Story about the story behind the song she says:

"I think we have to have a different definition for blessing than just "health, wealth and prosperity." It has to be something different, because there's too many people that don't fear God that are living seemingly prosperous lives, and there's too many people that walk with the Lord that suffer."

Here's the song with a beautiful video. I hope it gives you hope and inspires you to keep on keepin' on. It has done that and more for me!!!

God Bless.

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